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Hands on learning

“Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.”

What are the Benefits of Hands-On Learning?

While educational approaches used to subscribe to a “one-size-fits-all” philosophy, observation, testing, and psychology have revealed, by degrees, a different picture over the last few decades. Different students learn different ways, and forcing all to adhere to a singular style, is like crippling their learning. Hands on learning benefits the students, with a variety of learning styles and training techniques that are effective both in and out of the classroom – and how they serve the students in a better way.

At GREEN DOT International School and GDMS, we incorporate hands-on learning and training techniques as an integral part of our teaching strategy in our academic programs. We know that not all students are the same, which is why we incorporate these progressive teaching methods in all of our classrooms.

What Is The Best Way For A Student to Learn?

Below are several core learning styles commonly practiced in our classrooms.
• Visual learning, often called “book” learning, has long been the prevailing method, compelling students to read, remember, and recite the information on a page in reports, tests, and quizzes. This method is most frequently used by teachers during early childhood for school-aged children, where information is traditionally taught using picture books, flashcards, and later, textbooks.
• Auditory learning, most easily observed in the theory classes, where the student is put in to listen to an instructor’s information through listening to them.
• Kinesthetic learning is the third and most intriguing of the learning styles, mingling elements of both visual and auditory learning and compelling full participation from the student. This is mainly followed in our Think Tac classes where students do a series of hands on experiments.

How Does Hands-On Learning Help Students?

Properly structured, hands-on learning encourages students to think outside of the proverbial box, coaxing them to experiment with and explore the problems, tools, and substances they’ll work with regularly in their every day life.
From an educator’s perspective, hands on learning style, offers a welcome respite from the rote repetition of “book learning” or lecturing. The sound of an instructor’s voice may become a drone after an hour of class, or the words in a passage of text may blur together as eyes become tired or the thought of lunchtime intrudes. Legs and backs may get restless from sitting in place, and thoughts drift as students become a passive – rather than an active – participant in their classroom experience.
All of this is , is definitely expected in a mundane classroom, but with hands on learning, learning becomes much more meaningful, fun and everlasting impact. In GREEN DOT International School, almost all subjects are dealt with in the same fashion. Emphasis is given to hands on learning, to make teaching learning a joyful experience.